About Us Examination board

Examination board

Examination board


Professor Stephen Boyle
Acting Campus Dean


Associate Professor Teoh Ai Ni
Academic Head, School of Social and Health Science

Professor Nigel Marsh
Director of Professional Program

Ms M.S. Shanti
Senior Director Academic Services and Progressions (Singapore)

Dr Jasper Julian Roe
Head of Department,  JCU Singapore Language School

Associate Professor K Thirumaran
Academic Head, Business, JCU Singapore Business School

Associate Professor Roberto Dillon
Academic Head, School of Science and Technology

Associate Professor Wong Yook Ling Caroline
Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching

Ms Thamilarasi D/O Murugesan
Assistant Manager, Examinations & Graduations

Ms Carla Victoria Bridge
Head of Department, JCU Singapore Pathways School

Ms Rebecca Tan
Manager, Examinations