Mr. Trevor Carty

Mr. Trevor Carty

Mr. Trevor Carty

Teacher English Language Preparatory Program


  • Master of Science (MSc) 1996: Aston University
  • Teaching English for Specific Purposes (TESP), England
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Hons) Applied Biology 1988: University of Hertfordshire, England


Trevor Carty entered the field of English Language Teaching some 25 years ago, having had a successful career as a Clinical Biochemist for a major pharmaceutical company in England. His wide ranging teaching experience and his background in industry affords something special to the classroom experience for learners. On coming to Singapore, Trevor was responsible for developing an English Program at a Business School allowing students to progress to the University's Hospitality Course on passing. He later taught at an International School and after only one semester, was promoted to Head of Department due to his innovative approach to student learning. Here at JCU, most of Trevor’s busy schedule is spent focused on managing and teaching the ELPP Level 3 Program.

Research Interests

  • How learner adherence to learning strategies and teacher instruction affects language proficiency and achievement.
  • The use of ICT as an adjunct to classroom learning to improve student language practice and acquisition.
  • Away from memorisation: strategies for ensuring a high level of student engagement in the classroom


  • Pedagogic Benefits for Fluency Practice Through an Awareness of Interpersonal Relationships: an eclectic approach (Journal of Obirin Junior College, 38, 1-18:2002).
  • Error Correction in Second Language Writing: a student-managed approach towards an improved interlanguage grammar (Dissertation).