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People and societies in the tropics

Many of our Business School faculty’s expertise resides in areas supporting people and societies in the Tropics. They are published in an array of high-ranking journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Current Issues in Tourism and Organization Studies. For instance, Professor Peter Case recently discussed monologic and organisation studies, while Dr Kim-Lim Tan examined the effect of work engagement on meaningful work and psychological capital. Many intellectual contributions are widely cited, making them top 5 percent by citation percentile globally.

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    Dr Kim Lim Tan

    Effect of work engagement on meaningful work and psychological capital: perspectives from social workers in New Zealand, published in Employee Relations in 2021.

    The overall rank of this journal is 7467 with an Impact Factor = 2.91, SJR = 0.652 and H = 57. This recent article achieves a Scopus citation of 15 and Google Scholar citation of 22 as of 5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile by field weighted citation index in SCIVal.

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    Professor Abhishek Bhati

    Dr Zilmiyah Kamble and Manisha Agarwal

    Motivating or manipulating: the influence of health-protective behaviour and media engagement on post-COVID-19 travel, published in Current Issues in Tourism in 2021.

    The journal is ranked 1437 globally with an Impact Factor = 7.57, SJR = 1.838 and H = 82.  This article achieves a Scopus citation of 77 and Google Scholar citation of 133, as of 5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile by field weighted citation index in SCIVal.

    5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile worldwide ranked by field weighted citation index.

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    Associate Professor Pengji Wang

    Professor Adrian Kuah

    Why wouldn't green appeal drive purchase intention? Moderation effects of consumption values in the UK and China, published in the Journal of Business Research in 2021.

    This world class journal is ranked 970 globally, with an Impact Factor = 11.06, SJR = 2.316 and H = 217.  This article achieves a Scopus citation of 42 and Google Scholar citation of 59, as of 5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile by field weighted citation index in SCIVal.

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    Professor Peter Case

    Monologic and Organization Studies, published in Organization Studies in 2022.

    This recent article is published in Organization Studies, a world class journal recognised and ranked 406 globally with an Impact Factor = 6.08, SJR = 3.861 and H = 157.

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    Associate Professor Thirumaran

    COVID-19 in Singapore and New Zealand: Newspaper portrayal, crisis management, published in Tourism Management Perspectives in 2021.

    The overall rank of this journal is 1570, with an Impact Factor = 8.48, SJR = 1.761 and H = 54.  This article achieves a Scopus citation of 20 and Google Scholar citation of 33, as of 5 April 2023, making it top 10% citation percentile by field weighted citation index, Citescore percentile and SJR in SCIVal.