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Tropical ecosystems, conservation and climate change

Our faculty is regularly published in impactful refereed journals — such as Global Environmental Change, and Business Strategy and the Environment — on topics such as circular economy, food waste, supply chain collaboration, and CO2 emission. For instance, Professor Peter Hofman has examined supply chain collaboration and eco-innovation, while Associate Professor Pengji Wang has investigated moral norms on food waste decisions.

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    Associate Professor Pengji Wang

    To be ethical or to be good? The impact of ‘Good Provider’ and moral norms on food waste decisions in two countries, published in Global Environmental Change

    This world-class journal is ranked 544 globally, with an Impact Factor = 10.63, SJR = 3.154 and H = 192. The article achieves a Scopus citation of 14 and Google Scholar citation of 14 as of 5 April 2023 making it top 1% citation percentile worldwide ranked by both Citescore percentile and SJR.

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    Professor Peter Hofman

    Supply chain collaboration and eco-innovations: An institutional perspective from China, published in Business Strategy and the Environment

    This journal is ranked 1030 in the world, with an Impact Factor = 11.28, SJR = 2.241 and H = 115. This article achieves a Scopus citation of 39 and Google Scholar citation of 54, as of 5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile worldwide ranked by field weighted citation index.

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    Associate Professor Jacob Wood

    CO2 emission in transportation sector across 51 countries along the Belt and Road from 2000 to 2014, published in the Journal of Cleaner Production

    The overall rank of this journal is 1338 in the world, with an Impact Factor = 10.96, SJR = 1.921 and H = 232. This article achieves Scopus citation of 52 and Google Scholar citation of 58, as of 5 April 2023, making it top 5% citation percentile worldwide by field weighted citation index.