Safety on Campus

Safety on Campus

Fire Safety

  • Training conducted for staff – Evac Chair Training
  • Evacuation safety chair is deployed campus-wide at the designated staircase landings to provide evacuation for the mobility impaired or injured during an emergency such as a fire, where passenger lifts can not be used in a multi-storey building.

    The chair is a lightweight and easy to use device which glides effortlessly down stairways to assist with the quick and safe removal of who are mobility impaired in the event of an emergency evacuation.

    To handle the evacuation chair properly and safely, one has to attend a one-day lesson with the certified trainers and be awarded a certificate.

    evac chair-2-minevac chair-1-min

  • Conducted training to staff on ‘Detecting Suspicious Articles/People’

    This is part of the SG Secure awareness and training to equip our ground staff with the knowledge to detect suspicious articles and people within the University premises and how to respond to them.


Things to take note

On the event of emergency, occupants will evacuate as follows:

1st stage  : Alarm will sound for 20 seconds to alert, and followed by the first public address announcement for further investigation

“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The fire alarm has been activated in the building. We are investigating the situation. Please remain calm and stand-by your speakers for further instruction. Thank you.”

Scenario 1: False Alarm

2nd stage  : Second public address announcement to inform occupants it is a false fire alarm and to resume their activities (this message will play 2 times)

“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. We have investigated the situation and found it to be a false alarm. We regret for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.”

Scenario 2: Real Fire

2nd stage  : Alarm will sound for 30 seconds to alert and followed by the second public address announcement to get occupants ready for evacuation (this message will play 3 times)

“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. There exists an emergency situation in the building. Please evacuate by the nearest exit staircase and obey all instructions given by the Fire Wardens. Remember to avoid the use of lifts. "

Note: Fire wardens are to lead the occupants to evacuate if necessary via the nearest staircase. Do NOT use lifts or escalators.

First Aid and AED

First Aid Boxes and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are essential equipment for emergency response. Our campus has multiple locations where First Aid Boxes and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are available.
  • List of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) locations

    • Level 1, Guard House
    • Level 1, Block B – Outside Gymnasium
    • Level 1, Block C – Inside Student Hub
    • Level 1, Block D – Canteen

    • First Aid Box.jpgAED2.jpg

  • List of First-Aid box locations

      Level 1
      • Guard House
      • A1-01 – Corporate Reception
      • B1-03 – Psychology Clinic
      • C1-08 – Library
      • C1-09 – Campus Activities Office
      • C1-12 – Student Affairs Office
      • D1-11 – Facilities Office
      • E1-08 – Aqua Lab Office
      • F1-01 – AquaHealth Lab

      Level 2
      • B2-03 – ICT Office
      • C2-07 – HDR HUB

      Level 3
      • A3-02 – Corporate Pantry
      • C3-06 – Biosciences Lab
      • E3-01 – Academic Office Pantry

      Level 4
      • C4-16 - Exam Office

ISO 45001 – Occupational Health & Safety Certification

  • The University has been certified with the new Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO 45001 on 28 December 2020.
  • As the world’s first International Standard dealing with health and safety at work, the occupational health and safety management system is directed at the top management of an organization, aim to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees and visitors.
  • James Cook University’s management is committed to establish an effective OH&S management system, ensure that it is effective and that it is being continually improved to meet an organization’s ever-changing “context”.
  • This standard supersedes the existing OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety) certification.


  • SGSecure is Singapore’s community response to the threat of terrorism. It is a movement to build the resilience of our community and a call to action to everyone in our multi-racial, multi-religious society to come together to safeguard Singapore and our way of life.
  • James Cook University is committed to promote and support SG Secure to build a resilient community against terrorist attempts. Find out more about the SG Secure.

Workplace Safety and Health Council – bizSAFE Star

  • Workplace Safety and Health Council - bizSAFE Star (2026)
    • bizSAFE is a nationally recognised capability building programme, supported by the Ministry of Manpower was designed to help companies build workplace safety and health capabilities.
    • It recognises that a company’s Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) identifies, manages and controls workplace risks or hazards in compliance with the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act.
    • At James Cook University, we are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment to all stakeholders.
    • We achieved bizSAFE STAR which is the highest level of accreditation in the bizSAFE journey awarded by the Workplace Safety & Health Council (WSHC) Singapore.

SG Clean (2020)

  • SGClean campaign is an approach to adopt a "whole-of-nation" effort to raise the standard of cleanliness across Singapore by the National Environment Agency (NEA) on 16th February 2020.
  • The University has passed the audit in May 2020 and has been awarded with SGClean Quality Mark.