Academic Writing

Academic Writing

Academic writing is a tedious but an emancipating task. It requires deep thinking and analysis. The process of writing, its characteristics and styles, crafting a thesis statement, and the forms of empirical evidence required in writing can vary from one discipline to another and from one subject to another. The resources here aim to help students understand academic writing and develop relevant academic writing skills to achieve success in their studies and beyond.

(Video by Learning Centre, JCU Singapore)

(Video by The Learning Centre, JCU Australia)

Assistance via email

Students can send us their assignment drafts or questions at [email protected]. We endeavour to provide feedback in our teach-them-to-grow-rice style within 2-3 working days. Feedback is provided through comments and Track Changes in Microsoft Word or OneDrive. We provide feedback on three (3) different assignments per student for each study period.

Feedback on 4th year psychology theses

Psychology undergraduate students who are writing their 4th year thesis can seek feedback on academic writing and statistical analysis from learning advisors by sending their full manuscript to [email protected] Feedback is provided through comments and track changes in MS Word within 5 working days. Students should bear in mind the turnaround time for feedback to give themselves sufficient time to revise.

Assistance via BlackBoard Collaborate

Students can ask for individual or group consultations with a learning advisor via Collaborate. Drop us an email at [email protected] to arrange a Collaborate session.

Assistance by academic writing peer tutors for Psychology and Business

Students can submit ad-hoc requests to seek feedback on their essays, literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, reflection essays, laboratory reports, business reports and other written assignments at or scan the QR code below.

Academic writing principles for students and academic writing peer tutors

Whether you are an academic writing peer tutor, a new student, or a current student, be guided by the fundamental principles in academic writing.

Academic writing tips for students

Face-to-face consultation with a learning advisor

Students can arrange a face-to-face consultation with a learning advisor by sending an email to [email protected]

Post-Entry Language Assessment (PELA)

PELA is a subject-specific diagnostic test designed to assess the entry level academic writing competencies of students enrolled in BU1105 (Professional and Academic Skills for Business).

  • PELA is a diagnostic instrument which aims to gauge first year, first trimester students’ academic writing competencies as they commence their studies at James Cook University Singapore.These students are enrolled in BU1105 (Professional and Academic Skills for Business).
  • Learning Centre will facilitate academic writing workshops with students who scored Band 3 (At-risk) in the PELA to improve their academic writing skills and be successful in their subjects. Learning advisors will also make themselves available for these students to provide feedback on their subject assignments through email or face-to-face/walk-in consultations.
  • Band 3 students are also encouraged to seek help from Academic Writing Peer Tutors for Business. They can do this by submitting an ad-hoc request at or by scanning the QR code below.
