Student Feedback

Student Feedback

A centralised student feedback portal is available for all students to provide suggestions/ compliments, informal feedback, and formal feedback as part of our commitment to enhancing student experience and delivering meaningful non-academic support.

Student Feedback Portal

Click here to submit your suggestions/compliments or feedback. You can find answers and updates on our list of commonly submitted feedback below.

Kindly email [email protected] if you:

  • wish to make an appointment
  • like to seek advice on how to proceed further

Student Conduct

We are committed to ensuring that all students study and socialise in an environment based on integrity, inclusivity, and respect- free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, including hazing and vilification, and sexual misconduct.

If you find yourself having concerns about student conduct, please do not hesitate to contact:

Manfred Pang
Manager, Student Feedback
9238 9778
[email protected]