Events 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)

JCU Events

Mon, 12 Aug 2024

3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)

When: 12 August 2024, 1pm to 3pm
Location: C2-15, Sims Drive Campus

This year our 3MT is LIVE on campus.

What is the 3 Minute Thesis?

The 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition that showcases academic and research skills.

Participants have three minutes to present a compelling presentation on their research and its significance. The competition format challenges participants to consolidate their ideas and research discoveries so they can effectively explain their research in language appropriate to a lay audience.

At James Cook University, we are pleased to encourage the research efforts of higher degree by research candidates and academic staff, and we welcome their participation. This year we are again extending eligibility to our external academic partners and JCU alumni.


To provide some incentive beyond bragging rights, JCU Singapore will award a prize to each category winner.

  1. *HDR Candidates
  2. Academic/Research Staff
  3. External Partners/Alumni
  4. People’s Choice (by audience vote)

Prize for category A, B, C: Certificate, Plaque & SGD 500 voucher

Prize for category D: Certificate, Plaque

*Active Higher Degree by Research candidates who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under submission) by the date of their first presentation are eligible to participate in 3MT competitions at all levels, including the Asia-Pacific 3MT competition. Graduates are not eligible.

JCU Singapore-enrolled pre-confirmation PhD candidates who are active in their program will still be eligible to participate in the JCU Singapore 3MT competition but cannot advance to the JCU 3MT Final.

If eligible to advance, our HDR category winner will be flown to JCU Townsville to compete in the JCU 3MT Final competition scheduled to be held on 30 August 2024.

3MT Competition Registration

Event Audience Registration

Interested HDR candidates, academic staff and alumni or external partners should register their expression of interest to compete via an email to Research Support.

Register to compete here

Your JCU 3MT entry must include the following

  • Name
  • Category of Submission (A-D)
  • Academic Discipline Area/Institute
  • 3MT Presentation Title
  • *3MT Abstract (100 words)
  • ^3MT PowerPoint (one slide only) in the template provided
  • Passport Size Photo (high res)
  • Mobile/Phone Number
  • Email

(The *Abstract Form and ^PowerPoint template to be used for the competition shall be provided upon registration.)

Entries close by COB, Monday 5 August.

View the 3MT Handbook HERE.

Our 3MT 2024 event will be held live on campus!  Register to attend and cheer on our competitors.

Register to attend ON CAMPUS here(light refreshments will be served)

Photos and videos will be taken during the event for news and various publicity purposes
View past 3MT winning entries HERE. For more info, please email [email protected]