Events Research Spotlight Series #3 – Taking care of your own mental health as a parent: Understanding the impact of early patterns of thinking and feeling

JCU Events

Wed, 18 Sep 2024

Research Spotlight Series #3 – Taking care of your own mental health as a parent: Understanding the impact of early patterns of thinking and feeling

When: 18 September 2024, 4pm to 5pm
Location: C2-15, Sims Drive Campus

Schema therapy is a therapeutic model used to treat mental health problems in adults. It proposes that early interactions with parents shape an individual’s view of themselves and the world, influencing their emotional experiences and relationships. In this research, Joanna explores the impact of these recalled early parenting interactions on new mothers during the postnatal period, particularly focusing on their mood and perceived competence in the mothering role. This understanding can then inform ways to support the mental health of parents.

This is a hybrid event

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  • Introduction by Associate Professor Joanna Barlas
  • Presentation by Associate Professor Joanna Barlas
  • Q&A session
  • End of Event


Associate Professor Joanna Barlas
Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology
James Cook University, Singapore

Joanna Barlas is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and a Chartered Clinical Psychologist. She lectures on the professional program in clinical psychology at James Cook University Singapore and continues to practice clinically, assessing and treating adults with a wide range of mental health problems.  

Joanna has two main focuses within her research reflecting her passion for understanding and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of marginalised groups in the community and her clinical interest in schema therapy. In her schema therapy research, Joanna combines her clinical and academic experience to advance understanding of the schema model and its applications to explain the links between early experiences and adaptive and maladaptive functioning in adulthood.

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