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Call for Submission

Please note the submission deadline – October 31, 2024 (before 23:59 SGT, UTC+08:00). We encourage you to submit as early as possible to avoid technical problems. The submission page will go online on 01 May, 2024. The review committee will review abstracts on a rolling basis. The Committee will reply to all submissions within 2 weeks.

Submission guidelines:

  • An abstract should include the following information: a succinct title, abstract (up to 250 words), author information, and four keywords.
  • The presenting author should register to attend the conference.
  • We accept only abstracts submitted via the online abstract submission system.
  • You are able to withdraw your submitted abstracts by contacting the conference organizing committee ([email protected]).

Please submit one of the following options to submit your abstract:

Submit your paper abstract of no more than 250 words.

Submit your poster abstract of no more than 250 words.

Selected full papers will be published in a supplementary issue of the Journal of Concurrent Disorders.

We are pleased to announce that all proceedings and papers presented at Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference will be published in the Journal of Concurrent Disorders, which is published by CDS Press. This collaboration ensures that the valuable insights and research shared during the conference will reach a wider audience and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of mental health. By publishing in the Journal of Concurrent Disorders, authors have the opportunity to disseminate their work to researchers, clinicians, and professionals worldwide, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. We look forward to the impactful contributions that will emerge from this partnership and the continued growth of our community.