Navigating Well-being in the Post-COVID Hybrid Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped how we work, with remote and hybrid work becoming the new norm. As organizations adapt to this paradigm shift, exploring the impact on employee well-being is crucial.

Papers are welcome on the following topics:

  1. Hybrid Workplace Dynamics, discussing the benefits (flexible) and challenges (long working hours, numerous roles etc.) of hybrid work arrangement and its impact on employee well-being.
  2. Technological Adaptation and Employee Well-being, investigating how technology (including AI) affects mental health and stress levels. Highlight best practices for managing screen time and digital fatigue.
  3. Is AI a friend or foe in the workplace? Papers could consider ethical implications of AI in monitoring employee performance and mental health, as well as propose ways to integrate AI while preserving human connection and empathy.
  4. Work-life balance, delving into challenges of hybrid work environments, leadership, and employee resilience, strategies to support workplace well-being, and many others.