Research Research Ethics and Integrity Overview

Research Ethics and Integrity Overview

Research Ethics and Integrity Overview

Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Certificate of Compliance

James Cook University (Singapore Campus) abides by the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity which guides institutions and researchers in responsible research practices. The Code in particular promotes integrity in research for researchers and discusses the importance of:

  • managing breaches of the Code and allegations of research misconduct,
  • managing research data and materials,
  • publishing and disseminating research findings, including proper attribution of authorship,
  • conducting effective peer review, and
  • managing conflicts of interest.

It also explains the responsibilities and rights of researchers.

James Cook University (JCU) has adopted the principles set out in the Australian Code incorporating JCU-specific policy; see the James Cook University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research in the policy library.

Researcher Requirements at JCU Singapore

As of 14 April, 2021, it is a requirement of all RESEARCH ACTIVE staff and students conducting or participating in research (human or animal) or engaging in research activities to complete the mandatory research integrity training on LearnJCU. Access to the training is via our Research Integrity Training for Researchers organisation (RITR-SIN org) for research staff and students[1]

[1] Students to contact Research Support [email protected] to request access for this training.

Important:  If you intend to submit an ethics application, completing the research training is a prerequisite.

In the training modules, you will note that the legislations are linked to Australian Acts as JCU Australia has adapted the policy from the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (The National Code).  Here at our Singapore campus, we have adapted relevant James Cook University codes and procedures to include relevant Singapore legislation.

The training needs only to be completed once, not for every project.

For information, the following JCU research-related Codes and Procedures relate to various aspects of research integrity and conduct.

NB: Animal researchers must also complete either RCULA (Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals) or RCUF (Responsible Care and Use of Fish (an external and paid training course). Contact the IACUC Secretary for details [email protected]

Institutional Animal Care and Use @ JCU Singapore

Human Ethics Applications @ JCU Singapore